Login is simple and easy JSON storage hosted on your Github Gist, It provides PUBLIC and PRIVATE JSON, also each can be given tags to create folder structure and filter files easily, It also provides a very easy to use CURD API to your JSON. It's a Free JSON Storage service, all JSON files are hosted on your Github Gist Features: - Provide PUBLIC & PRIVATE JSON - Easy CRUD API for JSON files - Provide tags to file, and create folder structure & filter - Minimal and Intuitive Dashboard


[Upcomming] Embed Features

Till now users can modify/create JSON via Dashboard or API, so to extends the functionality of the app we are also gonna introduce a feature of embedding JSON files, 

It will allow users to embed their JSON in a beautiful manner in the blog/website/apps.
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Regarding privacy concerns, it's simple - we don't sell your data. In fact, we try to use privacy-focused software/services like Fathom Analytics whenever we use any third-party services.