We are simplifying everything and make whatsnew.co a super simple changelog tool.
- Removed categories and feeds page - Homepage does not show updates from the changelogs anymore. We might add a "Showcase" or "Community" page in the future but focusing on the changelog feature now.
Now this is simplified to just show Product updates. We can still see new products and categories from the footer.
I might remove those two options in the future but keeping it in the footer for now without removing it entirely.
Removed "Sneak Peeks"
Out of 249 posts, only 16 (~6.5%) are sneak peeks and others are usual "What's New" posts .
So removing it to keep it simple.
Existing sneak peeks will get a [Sneak Peek] added to the post title like this:
Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 9.50.12 AM.png804 KB
Weekly Product Showcase and Improved Categories section
Introducing Weekly Product Showcase where we handpick 3-4 apps/tools/websites that are new in WhatsNew.co and showcase in our Weekly Product Showcase email.https://buttondown.email/whatsnew.co
We have also improved the Categories section. It used to be like this with commas: Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 1.32.06 PM.png247 KB
Now we have fixed it and now everything is shown nicely, one category at a time.Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 1.35.55 PM.png131 KB
🚀 Last set of updates shipped in Jan
Add logo to your product page.
Set a brand color for your page. Here is a product page which made use of Brand color for their page: whatsnew.co/orbital
See number of followers in Stats
You can now login with email link (aka magic link) without entering password. This is was requested in the Product Hunt launch day and here we go 🪄✨
Logo can be aded in Settings and show up on product page. Even on custom domain
Product Page Stats
Screenshot 2022-02-04 at 11.11.10 AM.png718 KB
[Sneak Peak] 📸 You can now add a logo for your page
You can now add the logo in the page settings.
not 100% happy with the layout. lot of things to consider.
show title when the logo is present?
how do we know if someone uploads an icon without a product name as a logo?
show logo inline along with product name?
I've added this as a beta feature to see how it goes
🚀 Custom domain support and username for your pages are live
Claim a username for your page
You can now claim a username for your product and the page would be live here: whatsnew.co/name. Claim a username for your page before someone else does.
We also launched custom domain support
This means, you can now point your domain to app.whatsnew.co and you got yourself a product announcement page or it can even act as a changelog for your product.
Already got a Café or Profile in Hey.Café where you already post product updates? Now you can link them here and updates would show here automatically 🪄
You can add the Café or Profile link from the ⚙️ Settings page as shown below:
Screenshot of settings page
PS: This would hide 🎉 What's New and 👀 Sneak Peaks from your page and a brand new ☕️ Updates would be shown. You can also change the title of this page on the settings page.
Got any suggestions on more integrations or any feedback in general? Please do reach out to us via email ([email protected]) or DM me on Twitter
Post content is now formatted properly
Even though we supported formatting text, it doesn't show up properly after you post the content. That's because we use tailwind and it resets all styles by default.
We have added some styles to make it look nice :) Here is an example: