
Remote Frontend Jobs

Remote Frontend Jobs is the a job board aggregator sourcing exclusively remote jobs from all over the world. We already have 22 of the largest remote jobs in the mix and we keep adding more! We also have a bi-weekly newsletter and automatic twitter updates for new jobs with salaries.


We finally did it! You can now self-post a job!

Hi everyone, jobs can now be self-posted on both and
Just click on the "Post a job" and you will be taken to our brand new checkout page!
We used Stripe as our payment provider and we must say that integrating it was a breeze!

I hope this will shorten time to sale even more! Next step is taking the entire job management to a  new level where customers will be able to handle their ads editing and republishing on their own.

We are open to any feedback!

Third featured job post!

Identifi Global just decided to feature two job posts on Remote Frontend Jobs and Remote Backend Jobs. This is also our first featured backend advertisement. Go check them out! 

22 job boards! 🎉

21 job boards! 🎉

We added AngelList to the mix! We are now aggregating 22 different remote job boards! They are pretty well-known in the startup world and already have thousands of jobs listed, so go check them out!
We are now aggregating more than 1,000 jobs per week, about 500 of which end up on or if they are found suitable.

21 job boards! 🎉

I added reached out to me and asked if I can aggregate their jobs in my boards! They provided me with a specific stream of jobs and I added it immediately. Go check out their ads, there are quite a few interesting ones!  🎉 and
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